Mike's Real Estate

Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008

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Meet the "Mike's"

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Combined years in Real Estate
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Years in Property Management

Mike’s Real Estate was founded in 2008 by Mike and Samantha Leahy with the intention being able to offer a boutique real estate agency for those people wanting to work alongside agents that have both the flexibility and knowledge to be able to offer a more comprehensive and detailed personnal service when carrying out their next real estate or rental transaction. Between the two of us we have been involved in most forms of real estate including sales, leasing, business management / ownership, auctions and property management.

We are fully licensed under the REA 2008 and members of REINZ. The services we offer are property management, residential, business, leasing, onsite auctions as requested and also conjunctional sales with other agencies.

Our goal is to give you the best guidance and advice possible, always taking into account your specific needs. With our many years of experience, knowledge, and endurance it will become much easier for you to complete that individual stress free transaction that you desire when selling, buying or having your rental managed through us.

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Services we offer


Tailor Made Solutions

Samantha and I own the business which means we have complete freedom when we sit down with you and design an individual package to achieve your real estate goals.


Conjunctional Sales

We are happy work with any other Gisborne agency, this means that your property gets access to other agents at no extra cost to you.


Property Management

We offer a full and comprehensive property management service as well as a casual letting service and can advise on Healthy Homes compliance.


Onsite Auctions

Mike's skills as an auctioneer have seen him calling auctions for officers based in Taupo, Turangi, BOP and Gisborne.



We can offer appraisals for rentals, homes and now businesses with our new business appraisal software and our access to Biz Stats for recent sales data.


Sales and Leasing

While we offer a comprehensive service in most forms of real estate sales and leasing, our main focus is on the residential and business markets.

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